ICLOR founding date: Friday, December 23, 2005
Moderators: W. Curtiss Priest, CITS, bmslib@mit.edu & P. Kenneth Komoski, EPIE, kkomoski@epie.org
Purpose :
- To create "learning objects" with the properties (and methods) of programmed objects, including inheritance to provide a single, pluralistic object world so that precious object development efforts can be combined with corresponding pedagogical object development efforts to provide a world-wide "world brain."
- Provide world-wide coordination of these efforts through the activities of the International Collaborative for Learning Objects Research (ICLOR).
Credit: HG Wells, World Brain, Methuen, 1938.
Further Credit is given to a lineage that enables knowledge representations that provide simplicity while dealing with complexity. While various credits are given in the "Knowledge Simplicity" paper below, we find it significant to note the influences of William James on Edgar A. Singer; Singer's influence on C. West Churchman; Churchman's influence on Russell L. Ackoff Churchman's influence on Avram Noam Chomsky; and the separate works of E. O. Wilson and W. Ross Ashby. If only Wilson had known the Churchman/Ackoff successes in achieving a behavioral science, Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge, as wonderful as this book is, would have risen above needing to understand biology at the cellular level, to understand human behavior.
Sister Organizations:
- Center for Information, Technology & Society (CITS)
- Educational Products Information Exchange (EPIE)
- University of Vermont, Global Challenge Award (NSF)
- IEEE LSTC-LOM (Learning Technology Standards Committee, Learning Object Metatag) a.k.a. P1484
- American University Library, Information Technology
- MIT, Program on Knowledge Simplicity
- Acadia University
- George Washington University, Gellman Information Technology
- National Research Council of Canada
- American Library Association (ALA) ALCTS Committee on Cataloging: Description and Access
Current Key Documents:
- A Condensation and Review of Various "Learning Object" Activities and Efforts, November 3, 2004, AACE E-Learn Conference Paper
- Review of Learning Objects, A Moving Target: Billions of "Resources" or "Knowledge Simplicity?," Creation of the International Collaborative for Learning Objects Research (ICLOR), October 18, 2007, AACE E-Learn Conference Paper
- "Knowledge Simplicity: Providing a knowable, definable platform for creating Knowledge Objects, Pedagogical Objects, and Learning Objects", September 21, 2006, ICLOR White Paper
Other ICLOR White Papers:
The 81 Percent Solution: Restructuring Our Schools and Communities for Lifelong Learnings,, January 26, 1994, pp. 39+, Education Week
No Child (Consumer) Left Behind: Bringing Balance to a Media Generation’s In- and Out-of-School Learning, July 13, 2005, Education Week
Towards a single Learning Object Platform --"Instantiation of a Candle," January 19, 2005
A Vision for the Development of Learning Objects: A Tree, November 8, 2005
IEEE LTSC Comments on the ALA Resource Description and Access Draft, February 15, 2006
Defining "Knowledge Cells" and "Pedagogical Cells," February 21, 2006
Commentary by Shava Nerad and Comparison to Game Environments, February 23, 2006
"The Use of XHTTP as a More Effective and Efficient Way to Apply Knowledge: Transitioning from Core Knowledge to Knowledge Objects (Conference Abstract)" -- International Conference on Technology, Knowledge and Society, Northeastern University, January, 2008.
- The Use of XHTTP as a More Effective and Efficient Way to Apply Knowledge: Transitioning from Core Knowledge to Knowledge Objects Conference Presentation Slides
- Sample Video Clip From Presentation -- "Moles contemplate Knowledge Simplicity" As described in one of the presentation slides, a series of videos were created to present the content of each slide. The skits were created using Windows MoviePlayer using a Canon Powershot and various puppet actors. Currently the project is available via e-mail and for more technical information on the creation of these videos in "Sony PowerShot A80: Using the Camera to Shoot Video"
- A Short History of Bringing Structure and Form to Learning:
Culminating in Conveying and Using Knowledge, Intermediated by Technology ,The International Journal of Technology, Knowledge and Society, 2008
- The Use of XHTTP as a More Effective and Efficient Way to Apply Knowledge: Transitioning from Core Knowledge to Knowledge Objects Conference Presentation Slides
Reusability in Knowledge and Pedagogical Objects. General Plenary Session Speaker: Sunday, July 12, 2009, Dr. W. Curtiss Priest, before the Joint Event of 1.) The 13th World Multi-Conference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics: WMSCI 2009, 2.) The 2nd International Multi-Conference in Engineering and Technological Innovation: IMETI 2009, and 3.) The 3rd International Multi-Conference on Society, Cybernetics and Informatics: IMSCI 2009. "To counter the notion of an ever more complex world it is important to look from both the perspective of those perceivers of complexity and the perspective of significant knowledge, say as knowledge objects, which can simply and effectively capture model-related processes in, say, a single-sentenced operational definition as advanced by Cowan, Churchman, Ackoff and myself. From the perceiver side it is necessary to ignore apparent variety -- variety that will shroud a situation from its underlying brevity and clarity." Presentation slides in PowerPoint.